Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I'll start playing around with formatting as I go, but it's a distraction at this point. Too many other balls in the air.

I want to use this space not only to touch on what's happening in the world (as I see it) but hopefully engage in dialog with people who agree or disagree with my thoughts. I find that too often these days our more complex thoughts are reduced to 140 characters or rapid fire convos on Facebook, or an evaporating pic and comment on Snapchat. What a perfect metaphor for the minimal expression world, eh?

Broad society is losing its ability to maintain a thought that last more than a minute or two before moving on - generations are now immersed in this kind society. I don't think this is natural, just adaptive behavior. I think that humans are social animals and developed language skills to help them communicate complexity.

In our post-modern world we're finding the concept of 'short-handing' communications cool and interesting because it forces us to rethink the way we communicate. I would argue that GW Bush was elected partially because of his skill as short-handing concepts to Americans.

Unfortunately his motivation was driven by his anti-intellectual disdain; his view that thinkers didn't have the balls to be leaders, hence his appointment of the Dark Prince as his VP.

I get it. And I think, that like the fact that fast food has its place, so does fast talk. But it shouldn't be the only talk. It's also similarly unhealthy as a steady diet. Some issues need to be explored in depth.

You don't disagree about something and punch someone in the face. Or shoot them. Well, at least not regularly.

Anyway, this is place that's not just for me but for you. My thoughts are here as a springboard to conversation as much as an outlet for my issues so I don't go (more) insane.

US Politics:

James K. Polk. Paul Ryan does not want to be James K Polk, the only Speaker of the House to ever win the presidency. That is why Ryan doesn't want the job.

Speakers have to wheel and deal - with Democrats even - and sometimes step on caucuses in their own party. That gives opponents plenty to talk about in election cycles, especially when you're running to be the leader of your party.

There's are part of the GOP that wants Ryan as Speaker to ruin his chances for the presidency on down the line. And Ryan knows who they are - competitors in the next cycle or two.

Then there are Republicans in Washington who have no political skills whatsoever, other than throwing parliamentary temper tantrums whenever things don't go their way. They want 'one of their own' to run the entire party. I'm not sure they understand the majorities rule in a democracy, but hey, whatever.

The Freedom Caucus is a bunch of bomb-throwing anti-government, anti-political yahoos who aren't in Washington to do something. They're in DC to throw IEDs into the political system, not build it, but destroy it. It's the ultimate iteration of anti-intellectual politics. Run for office to take down the system.

Hey, but as Sam Rayburn said, the American people get the politicians they deserve. I just always expected us to feel like we deserve better. Apparently I'm in the minority.

And speaking of deserving better, we come to Trump and Clinton.

Trump I think is interesting because he is saying to the American people what the moneyed class tell the politicians they've bought, behind closed doors. The reason people are shocked and fascinated is because he is simply being a billionaire who has the guts to let America see the kind of people who really run this country. And believe me, the GOP doesn't have a monopoly on these kinds of people. The Democrats have their own plutocracy.

A sly segue to the Clintons.

Again, there is not one major media echo chamber that doesn't pronounce her the Democratic candidate. They make it sound like if she doesn't get it, then it has to be because of nefarious means that it has been taken from her.

My wife recently said she sheepishly supported Hillary. I asked her why and she said, 'She deserves it, doesn't she?"


My 2 cents: No one deserves the presidency. You win it. You earn it. It isn't a legacy gift, handed down like Excalibur.

I want to see a contest. But the Democrats are treating this like a kid's sport. Everyone one is a winner and gets a prize - but everyone knows who is the best player and they are quietly deferred to, as everyone says winning isn't what's important. Bullshit.

Winning - and consensus - is what politics is all about. Grow up.

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