Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ok, today I launch a blog.


Israel and the Palestinians are at it again. This situation continues to feed the worst in all of us. And it's time to come up with a better solution than allowing Israel to torment Palestinians and forcing Palestinians (and their political sympathizers) to attack Israel. This situation wasn't started 2000 years ago. It was started in 1948.

And in that vein, Iran is looking bolder these days. My take is the hard liners in Iran, who don't want the treaty with the West to go through are becoming increasingly belligerent, hoping to get into some hot conflict with the US or a key ally (Israel). They know their hard-line US counterparts are just itching to kick some Iranian ass.

That would scuttle the deal and the hardliners would win.

Russia knows what's happening and is, of course, stoking the fires by bringing in more Iranian firepower in Syria and rubbing the West's noses in how to kick ass against ISIS, et al. All hawks are jealous. But just because you can break something doesn't me you can build something. Putin is only half the strategist he needs to be. Quintessentially Russian politician.


Election coronation goes on for Hillary on the Democratic side. CNN and MSNBC practically telling Joe Biden not to run. Saying Jim Webb should not mount an independent run because it would hurt Hillary. Saying Sanders doesn't have a chance.

Wow. What a democracy we live in.

On the Republican side, the great hypocrisy of the day is Ben Carson asking for Secret Service protection. Isn't this the guy who said that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and intellectually challenged were all packing heat? The man who stared down a gunman? He now won't pack his own heat and take on some potential assassin like he suggested the victims of various recent shooting should have done. Bravo Ben. Let those true colors fly.


Arsenal and Bayern Munich play soon. Can't imagine the Gunners pulling this one off. But it should be interesting to watch - for about 15 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you blogging. Looking forward to more.
    "just because you can break something doesn't me you can build something." A lesson hawks will never learn.
