Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ah, Little Marco Rubio

There's an old Chinese curse: May your wishes come true.

It looks like they have for Sen Rubio at this point.

He wanted the spotlight. He wanted to run with the big dogs. And now he has it. The spotlight.

And all the heat that goes with it.

Sure it's little stuff. But it's the little stuff that you can't get off your shoes and it stinks and it gathers other stuff as well.

Let's see how he deals with this. Whether he goes on the offensive, tries to deflect (the press loves that) or goes on the defensive by taking the moral high ground that he did something but this is just political shenanigans by his opponents and there's no there there.

I'm sure this is the first salvo.

You know what the Bush oppo team has been able to come up with. And now he's dissed the Jeb and that means HW and W will be opening the gates to crush this little bounder.

That's why Bush didn't bite when Rubio snapped at him at the debate. The Bush family has been around a long time. They're very well connected and very powerful. Most Americans have no idea how bulletproof you are as a scion of the ruling class.

It's rude to be rude, so Jeb made a joke - a good one - and Marco didn't growl, he snapped. Bad form my boy and you just sealed your fate. Whether Bush endures or not, he will not go down without Rubio down with him.

And as we can see by Rubio's fast and loose finances, he doesn't have the fiscal wherewithal to make it back. He'll be selling used cars in Little Havana in 3 years.

His outburst also signaled to the other masters of the universe that he may kiss their ring, but at some point he'll bite their hand eventually. Who needs that?

Americans have no real idea of the game that is unfolding on the political stage right now. Maybe intuitively but it's not something most can verbalize or contextualize. And the press encourages this superficial view since it makes for great TV entertainment.

Enjoy bread and circus, just don't take it too seriously...yet.

Conversion Economy News

So, here's something from ZeroHedge that I thought was interesting - the US economy is once again giving one bullish indicator and simultaneously giving us a bearish indicator.

Manufacturing was up but PMI (purchasing managers index) was at its lowest since January.

Signals continue to confuse more than enlighten. 

I wish I could remember where I recently read an article where the writer was explaining that the Fed can't seem to get the economy moving again because they're not truly understanding that the previous metrics they used to 'fix' the economy no longer work the same way.

They're looking at stats that no longer mean what they used to.

This is what I call the Conversion Economy. We can no longer analyze the economy in traditional terms. We have to find new ways to understand how economic growth and expansion work as we retool and adapt to a digital economy.

The obvious examples are newspapers and magazines. But it's also manufacturing and entertainment, infrastructure and energy. It is touching every sector; it is the new forest growing back from the devastating fire we had in 2008. 

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