Wednesday, November 18, 2015

La Haine

That means 'hate' in French.

This movie is a must-see if you're interested in how this youngest generation of terrorists has come to be.

It was made in 1995, well before 9/11 and well before ISIS. Jodie Foster saw it in Europe and brought it to the US market. I saw it then and I watched it again tonight.

It is just as powerful as it was then, even more so, since as you watch it you realize that the kids that were 5 or 6 in 'la citie' (the projects) are now the same age as the ISIS terrorists. They lived La Haine and saw their brothers living in that dead-end turmoil.

And the ending, wow.

If you haven't seen it and you're looking for something powerful to watch this weekend (aside from Arsenal playing West Ham) this is worth the time. 

Check it out. Here's a link for more info at IMDB.

It's available on and Netflix, but only via DVD. There's a few other streaming services - maybe Hulu - but $3 on Amazon was good enough for me.

Remember, it's not how you fall that matters, it's how you land.

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